YPO Southern 7 Events

YPO S7 events are primary vehicles to engage, educate and promote socialization among its members. The size of YPO S7 and the resources available truly allow for large-scale and high-profile events.

Big 3 Couples Meetings

Where: Across the globe
When: Fall and Winter
What: 3- or 4-day conference with educational programming and cultural immersion
Who: 100-150 members, spouses and partners

Big 3 Family Meetings

Where: Across the globe
When: Summer
What: 4-day conference with educational programming and bonding experiences for every member of the family
Who: 100-150 families — parents and children

Signature Events

Where: In your chapter area
When: Throughout the year
What: 2-3 events oriented around unique destinations, activities, education and interests
Who: 50-500 members, spouses and partners; occasional family events


State Events

Where: In your state
When: Throughout the year
What: Statewide events focused on connecting members through smaller, more intimate gatherings
Who: Members, spouses and partners; occasional family events

Spouse/Partner Events

Where: In your state and chapter area
When: Throughout the year
What: Events that focus on topics (beyond business) affecting you, your family and your community
Who: Spouses and partners

Family Events

Where: In your state and chapter area
When: Throughout the year
What: Educational programming and bonding experiences for every member of the family
Who: The whole family —parents and children